Why Is My Turtle Not Basking? Find Out What to Do

Why Is My Turtle Not Basking?

Most new turtle owners are faced with this problem in the beginning. For some reason, your turtle will not bask. I’ve also had this problem with some of my turtles. So I decided to write this short guide to help other people that are faced with this problem.

Your turtle won’t bask if it’s stressed or scared, if she is pregnant, if the temperature in the basking area is too high or too low, or if the basking area is inaccessible.

Now let’s look at every possible problem and see what the solution is.


If you just got your turtle it’s very normal for them to need some time to adjust to their new environment.

Moving to a new home can be very stressful for a turtle. They will go from a small cramped tank, that they share with multiple turtles, to a new spacious tank where they can live alone. And if they were sent through the mail, they will be even more scared.

If this is the case for your turtle, you just have to leave your turtle to calm down a little. After about a week your turtle will get used to the new environment and will start basking. There is nothing you can do in this case, just make sure that you don’t scare your turtle any further. Soon enough your turtle will start basking regularly.


Turtles get stressed very easily. They can get stressed by excessive noises, by other pets, by improper handling, and many other things.

If your turtle gets stressed out, they will stop basking, eating, and everything else until they calm down. When most turtles are stressed they are either trying to get out of the tank, or they stop doing anything. If this is your problem, the solution is simple.

Here are a few things that can stress a turtle:

  • Loud speakers that are placed right next to the tank
  • A cat or a dog that is always trying to get into the tank
  • Improper handling
  • Too frequent interactions
  • etc.

If something is able to stress out most people, then it can also easily stress out a turtle.

To solve this problem you simply have to remove the stress source. Usually, this can be solved by moving the tank to another room that is less frequented by other people. But how to solve this problem really depends on the thing that is stressing your turtle. But basically, you just have to remove that stress factor, and soon your turtle will soon start to act normal again. 

After you eliminate the stress sources your turtle should start basking soon enough.


A pregnant turtle will act very strangely, she will stop eating, she will stop basking, she will try to dig everywhere, and she will swim frantically. Pregnant turtles don’t do this not because they don’t like the tank, they do this because they want to find a good place where they can lay the eggs.

Turtles usually lay their eggs in piles of leaves or holes that they dig, but never in water. So the tank is definitely not a suitable environment for this.

The first thing you have to do if you want to know if your turtle is really pregnant is to find out if it’s a male or a female, so you should read this article that is going to tell you if that’s the case: How to Tell If Your Turtle Is Male or Female (with Pictures).

And if your turtle is a female, and you want to know if she is pregnant, then you should read this article where you will find all the info you need: How to Tell if Your Turtle Is Pregnant.

If your turtle is pregnant there is nothing that you can do to make her calm down. You will have to wait for her to lay the eggs.

One important thing about turtles is that they can get pregnant even if there is no male around. The difference is that the eggs won’t be fertilized so no baby will come out of them. So even if you only have a female turtle she can still lay eggs.

Basking Temperature is Too High

If the basking temperature is too high, your turtle won’t bask.

If the temperature is too high your turtle can get burnt, and they will avoid the basking area for that reason.

This is probably the easiest thing to fix. Just move the heat bulb further away, but not too much, you don’t want to make the basking area too cold either. In general, the temperature should be between 85 and 90  degrees Fahrenheit ( 29 and 32 degrees Celsius ).

If the temperature of the basking area is too low, your turtle will still bask, even if it’s not as beneficial as it could be. So a cold basking area is not a reason for a turtle not to bask.

If you are not sure how to properly manage a basking area you should read this guide: Guide for Lighting and Heating a Turtle Tank and Basking Area. There you will find the information you need, including the exact temperatures, how far the heat bulb should be from the turtle, and many more.

The Basking Area Is Not Accessible

This can happen a lot of times, especially if the basking area is homemade. If the baking area is not stable and doesn’t have enough grip, your turtle will avoid it.

The lack of grip can easily be solved. Just put something that has enough grip on the ramp that the turtle uses to get up on the basking area. You can use a small patch of artificial grass, or glue a few plastic bars that will help with the grip. There are a lot of things that you can use, just make sure that they will stay in place, and that your turtle won’t try to eat them.

If the basking area is not stable, you will have to either fix it or get a new one. Since there are hundreds of commercial modes, and even more homemade basking areas, there is no universal solution to make it more stable, so I can’t tell you exactly what to do to fix it, you can either use some screws to fix it to the wall, or some strong glue to fix it to the side of the tank, there are a lot of things that you can do. But if you think that you should get a new basking area, then go check out the Recommended Gear Page, where you will find my recommendations for the best turtle care products, including basking areas.

It’s Possible That Your Turtle Is Basking When You Are Not Watching

It’s always possible that your turtle is basking when you are not around. And this is not just a strange coincidence.

This is also tied to the fact that turtles can be scared easily. For turtles, the land is a lot more dangerous than the water. On land, there are a lot more predators, and they can’t move as fast as they can in water. So, basking can be a dangerous activity.

And since the turtle can’t differentiate between a controlled environment, like a house, and the wild, they think that some predator can come at any time after them, when they are basking. So it’s entirely possible that they are basking when nobody is around, and when you enter the room they will jump in the water.

This is not something that you can fix, if your turtle is scared easily, then that’s how it is. Maybe things will change as time goes by, but there is nothing in particular that you can do right now to change that, except for taking proper care of your turtle.

But this is something that you have to verify. You can do this by living a phone, or a camera in the room and filming the turtle for a day, to see if it basks or not. If your turtle basks then everything is alright. If it doesn’t then you should see if any of the previous causes apply to your turtle.

Common Questions

Should I leave the light on for my turtle at night? No turtles don’t need a source of light during the night. So there is no need for one. But if you want to see your turtles during the night, there are some special red or blue lights that won’t disturb the turtles and will allow you to see them clearly.

Should I turn my turtle’s heat lamp off at night? Yes, there is no need for a heat lamp during the night. Turtles don’t usually bask during the night.

Do all turtles bask? No, not all turtles need to bask. But most turtles that end up as pets need to bask, so you have to provide a proper basking area for them.

Final Thoughts

Basking is essential for the well-being of a turtle, so make sure that you find out what the problem is and solve it as soon as possible.

If you are still having trouble getting your turtle to bask you can always leave me a comment in the comment section and I will reply you as soon as possible

Before You Leave


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Cecelia Calloway

Hello, I am Cecelia, I am a huge animal lover, so much so that I decided to become a veterinary, and at the moment I am studying at Université de Montréal. I am also the proud owner of one dog, 2 turtles and 24 fishes.

6 thoughts on “Why Is My Turtle Not Basking? Find Out What to Do

  1. My 1 year old red ear slider has stop eating and basking since moving new home 7 days ago . Is this a normal reaction for red ear slider or should I visit vet. Water and basking temperature are in good order . Pls help greatly appreciated.

    1. This seems like normal behavior, but if this keeps going on for another week you can take your turtle to the vet just to be sure that there is no health problem that is causing this behavior.

  2. I just moved my three turtles to a larger tank and am having problems with maintaining a steady water temp. The water level is about 5 inches. I think this might be why they won’t bask. Or am i wrong? I’ve tried rearranging their basking area but no basking yet. They hide under a platform i had in their other tank as a familiar part. Please help. I love my yellow bellies. Thank you.

    1. Your turtles might need a little more time to adjust to the new tank.

      As for the water temperature, the only solution is to get either a new and mere powerful heater, or another heater which you can use together with the one that you have.

      Let me know how things work out.

  3. Hi there. We got our macleay river turtle a week ago, and noticed he hasn’t basked yet. We recently raised the water temp to 25 degrees Celsius, hopefully this might help? Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

    1. The water temperature is correct. I believe that your turtle is still stressed by the change of location. If your turtle doesn’t start basking even after two weeks you might want to make a visit to the vet. From my experience health problems don’t stop turtles from basking, but better safe than sorry.

      If two weeks pass, and the vet says that your turtle is healthy, but it’s still not basking let me know, we will figure out what the problem is.

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