A lot of people wonder if turtles can live together with other reptiles. It’s easy to believe that since they are both reptiles the answer would be yes, but that’s not true. Actually, it’s...
Category: Care Guides
The 16 Most Common Turtle Care Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Being a turtle owner is not very hard, turtles are very easy to maintain compared to other pets. But there are a lot of mistakes that you can make that could make your turtle’s life...
Releasing pet turtles in the wild is starting to become a big problem of the increase in popularity of pet turtles. This usually happens when people don’t have enough information about turtles when...
You certainly may recognize and love your pet turtle, but does he recognize you? The bond between a pet and an owner is something very powerful and beautiful. But a lot of people are saying that...
When it comes to raising turtles some people say it’s hard and others say it’s easy, but in reality, it all comes down to what kind of turtle you have and how much time and effort you are willing...
At some point your turtle will outgrow even the biggest tank that you could fit in your room, if you want to keep your turtle you only have one option, to build a turtle enclosure. Or maybe you want...