At some point, every turtle owner will want to add some substrate to its turtle tank. And as we discussed in our previous article, sand is the best option. But there is more than one type of sand,...
Posts by Cameron Potter
This is something that can happen to a lot of new turtle owners, for an unknown reason the shell of your turtle looks dry. This can look quite bad but fortunately, this is not a health problem, and...
Strong shells are essential for a healthy turtle, whether it lives in a tank or in the wild. If you find your turtle’s shell is soft, it means that it’s suffering from metabolic bone...
Can You Put Turtles and Fish in the Same Tank? (Is It Safe?)
Getting your turtle to get along with fish can be a little tricky since turtles really like to eat fish, but it can be done. You can have turtles and fish in the same tank as long as you have the...
You may certainly love your turtle, but does your turtle love you back? The bond between a pet and an owner is something very powerful and beautiful. But a lot of people are saying that turtles...
As we all know turtles dedicate a good portion of their daily time to basking, but they don’t do this simply because they like to take a nap in the sun, they do it because it keeps them healthy....