If you own a pet box turtle, at some point, you will want to know if it’s a boy or a girl. But in most cases, this is easier said than done, unless you have a well-structured guide with pictures...
If you own a pet tortoise, at some point, you will want to know if it’s a boy or a girl. But in most cases, this is easier said than done, unless you have a well-structured guide with pictures that...
There are two different ways in which a tortoise can sleep. One of them is with its head and legs stretched out. Or it can sleep while completely hiding in its shell. In this article, we are going to...
Vomiting is never a good thing. But how big of a problem it is depends on the reason why it happened in the first place. If your tortoise ate something that it didn’t like, there are no reasons to...
Strong shells are essential for a healthy tortoise, whether it lives in an enclosure or in the wild. If you find your tortoise’s shell is soft, it means that it’s suffering from metabolic bone...
Choosing the bedding for your tortoise is one of the most important things that you have to do as a tortoise owner. But when you look at all the available options out there it is easier said than...